
16 Weeks and Making Progress

Well, turns out I am a fairly bad blogger (as most of you have figured out). I have great intentions - but taking photos and putting the "pen to paper" if you will can be tough to make time for! However, I'm happy to provide you with an update and a positive report!

I'm 16 weeks now and officially the clothes are getting a bit too snug. I expect in the next couple of weeks to have to do something about pants. In good news - today is my third day in a row of feeling...semi-normal? Not nauseous, anyway - but ravenously hungry for tiny meals about every two hours. It's an odd feeling - but I'll take it! Around this house we're praying this feeling lasts!

From what I've read the baby starts rapid growth now - doubling-in size between weeks 16 and 20 - I'll do my best to actually track this progress too - I'll have no excuse with how great I'll be feeling (the power of positive thinking, right?)!

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