
Crossing off the To-Do List

Fixing the falling apart porch on our home has been on the to-do list for almost 4 years now (since we bought our house!). However, the outside of our home has been the easiest thing to neglect when we spend our time inside!

With our impending arrival what better time to spend a boatload of cash, right? So we started by getting all new (working!) windows for the house, and then had a new porch designed and added - which was completed this week! They also replaced the hideous whirly ball on the peak of our roof with a brand new cupola. Next up - paint!

1 comment:

  1. Wow guys! It looks great! I can't wait to see it for my new trip West! ;-)

    Congrats again - I am SO SO happy for you.

    Lots of love,
